Not everything you think is reality. Have you ever been in a funk wondering how you got there? We usually try to fix it externally or blame our circumstances, but rarely is that the case. It usually starts with thoughts unchecked, that then turns into a story in our minds we create, that we then start to believe is true, which then leads to it manifesting in our external world. 
If we base everything upon feelings, we will always be wavering. But if we base our life upon the truth of what God has spoken, we will flourish in every season.
In a podcast by Dr. Caroline Leaf, she quotes “When you direct your mind, you change your brain and change your life.”  Our thoughts are powerful. They can change the trajectory of our lives, so we must keep them in check!
Here’s a simple way to know if a thought is from God or the enemy:
Does it produce the fruit of the spirit in your life?
Does it bring peace or anxiety?
Does it contradict God’s word? 
When we think thoughts that are in opposition to the truth, our deception will continue to create cycles that become our realities. It’s a slippery slope down a path of isolation, resentment, and bondage when we don’t take our thoughts captive. 
When we are rooted in the truth, taking our thoughts captive and submitting them to God, we will live from a place of our true identity in God. No matter what the enemy throws at us, it doesn’t have to stick to us. God’s word is like a shield that protects our minds. It’s our choice whether we allow the lies from the enemy to take root in our minds.
The more we submit to God, the more we will recognize thoughts that don’t line up with the truth. And when we live in the truth, the truth will set us free. 
If you would like to learn more about the subject of your mind / thoughts and how they affect your lives, you can find blogs and podcasts by Dr Caroline Lead here:
Dr. Caroline Leaf is a cognitive neuroscientist with a PhD in Communication Pathology specializing in Neuropsychology. Since the early 1980‘s she has studied and researched the Mind-Brain connection. During her years in clinical practice as a Communication Pathologist she developed tools and processes that help people develop and change their thinking and subsequent behavior. Her scientific Science of Thought techniques have transformed the lives of patients with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), learning disabilities, emotional traumas and released the potential of thousands of young students and adults.

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