Have you ever heard of the saying, “It’s a marathon, not a sprint”? Sprinting involves a lot of high-intensity effort on your body in short intervals of time, while running a marathon requires lower intensity over a longer period of time. While both practices have their different health benefits, training for a marathon allows your body to build muscle endurance and stamina. A lot of the time, we set New Year’s Resolutions on January 1st and then start sprinting, eventually losing the motivation to keep going. We try to go the distance but then end up burning out by the end of February. When it comes to achieving your goals, endurance is important. Consider your daily habits to be like low intensity running in the marathon to your own success. [bctt tweet="Consider your daily habits to be like low intensity running in the marathon to your own success." username="dukematlock"] Here are a few things to remember as you run your marathon this year:

Celebrate the daily wins.

One way to stay motivated is to recognize when you’re doing a good job. Following through on your daily commitments to success is something to be proud of! [bctt tweet="One way to stay motivated is to recognize when you’re doing a good job." username="dukematlock"]

Think critically about the daily losses and how you can do better tomorrow.

Don’t beat yourself up if you miss a day, but don’t let the day go by without thinking about why. Why did you decide to sleep longer instead of waking up to read your Bible? Why did you work past your bookend instead of going home to eat dinner with your family? Recognize the slip-ups so that you can identify ways you can do better tomorrow.

This run is worth it!

This marathon you’re running is worth it, and the finish line is within your reach! Your Spiritual, Success, Health, and Margin goals will not only make you a better leader, it will also increase your capacity for personal and professional growth. Thank you for keeping up with our #GOALS series this month… This growth journey has just gotten started, so keep building momentum! I’ll be in the cheering section as you run across the finish line.  


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