As we close out this year and begin to prepare for 2022, I want to kick off a brand new series on what I like to call “3 Elements to living a fulfilled life.” Life Fulfillment is all about knowing who you are, what you’re passionate about, and what God has designed you to do. I have been coaching leaders and pastors with this series, and I am excited to now unpack it with you! Would you agree that sometimes we make this more complicated than they have to be? You would think the older we get, the more we would feel like we have it all together, but I just don’t find that to be true. I still talk with many leaders who wrestle with the question of “who am I?”
Culture tells us to focus on what we want to do, what we want to accomplish, and how much money we should make, but none of that will fulfill us if we can’t answer the question “who am I?” You were designed uniquely by God. He has a specific purpose for your life and He wants to use who you are, and your passions to fulfill that purpose. You really can do what you love, and never work a day in your life! This is what the life fulfillment series is all about. It will equip you to narrow down the kind of person you want to be, and move forward in the design God has created for you!
The 3 elements of Life Fulfillment we will unpack are:
1. Presence – Who you are
It’s so much more important to know WHO you want to be than WHAT you want for the rest of your life. I will unpack how to narrow down your top 3 words that describe what you value the most and how to live every day becoming more and more of the person you desire to be.
2. Passion – What you love to do
It’s not as hard to figure out this one! Usually, it’s the first one we have the most challenge with. This is all about discovering and exploring what you love to do! You can do this by looking back at the moments in life that brought you the most fulfillment.
3. Design – How God made you
Design is both the empowerment and the limit to what you can do with your life. What is the design God created you to be? What are the career paths, jobs, hobbies, passions that fit your custom-made design? When you are in your sweet spot, operating from your identity and passion, your life will have a great sense of purpose!
Passion, presence and formula = a fulfilled life! Next Friday, we’ll unpack “presence” and dive into who you are!
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