If you don’t have a vision for your life, someone else will. And if you’re not clear on what you want, it’s not very likely you’ll get it. In Proverbs, it says “without vision, the people perish.” We are not our best selves when we are not living out the vision God has called us to. Before we can get clear on our vision, we have to overcome some obstacles that get in the way. 

Here are 3 common obstacles: 

1. Fear of man (this one has to be the first to go) we must fear God over what others will think. We’re living for the words “well done”, not the affirmation of men. When we are concerned about everyone else approval of the vision for our life, it will hinder us from fully stepping out in confidence. 
2. Poverty mindset – settling for less than what God has called us to and spoken over our lives.
3.Believing the lie that our purpose is in a job/ministry – this will give us a limited perspective to who we are called to be and the many ways God wants to use our lives.
God wants to break your boxes, shatter small-minded thinking, and show you who you are in Him. We have such limited perspective to how God can use us, and how He desires to use us. If we are always able to figure it out on our own, it’s probably a sign we are living for our vision and not God’s. His ways are so much higher and exceedingly more than we can think, ask, or imagine. Freedom comes when you discover who God has called you to be. When you know who you are, and you permit yourself to start dreaming with God. Without limits. 

2 ways to get clear on your vision: 

1. Spend time alone seeking God. Pray, fast, ask him questions. “To all who seek, find Him” 
2. Make a list of the “highlight” moments in your life. What were the things you did that made you come alive? This will help you discover what you are passionate about and the areas you are called to thrive in.
No matter what you have done before, there is still more life to live. There is still more work to do. Life with God and in ministry is a journey we never arrive at. It has many twists and turns. It’s very unlikely that you’ll be doing the same thing for the rest of your life. We need to continually seek God for fresh vision, new ideas, and clarity as we keep moving forward. Commit to getting clear this year on what you want and where you want to go, and over time, you will get there. It’ll be a very windy road, but you’ll get there.

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