In any venture, whether it be a sporting event, a relationship, or a new business, it is easy to feel like we are fighting an uphill battle. The climb to success is challenging and difficult, often fraught with obstacles and setbacks. Our determination and will-power in the midst of these challenges are what urge us to press on; they remind us that our battles are worth fighting. These moments of adversity are important; they build character and teach us to work smarter. But although we can understand the necessity of such challenges, no one wants to climb the same mountain forever. Eventually, we need to experience a breakthrough.  [bctt tweet="Moments of adversity are important; they build character and teach us to work smarter." username="dukematlock"] Malcolm Gladwell calls this breakthrough moment the tipping point. The tipping point is the moment in which the momentum you’ve been building with your hard work and perseverance finally kicks in. It is a single moment, like the falling of the first domino, that sparks a chain reaction. When you’ve reached the tipping point, you are no longer trudging through mud trying to get things done; instead, you are enjoying the benefits of working with a solid foundation. Reaching the tipping point does not mean that you have reached the pinnacle of success; it simply means that you are seeing the initial results from the work you have put in thus far. And after months and months of hard work, reaching the tipping point feels like winning the lottery.  The tipping point is an encouraging moment, but it isn’t easily arrived upon. It is impossible to predict when the wind will shift and start carrying you forward. You cannot measure the time it will take to close the gap between where you are to where you want to be; you can’t count the days until you reach a breakthrough. All you can do is stay the course. The key to reaching the tipping point is consistency. There is no secret shortcut that will allow you to bypass the challenges and obstacles that go along with starting something new. The only way to move forward and upward is to put in the work.  [bctt tweet="The only way to move forward and upward is to put in the work. " username="dukematlock"] But the work you must do is multifaceted. Not only must you do work specific to your venture, you must also do work within yourself. Your success is determined by more than just the work of your hands; the way you think about your new venture and see yourself will have a direct impact on your ability to reach the tipping point. The breakthrough moment is elusive. It is not enough to work; you must also keep yourself motivated and positive. Let me tell you, it is really hard to move forward without any momentum. Few things in life are as difficult as pressing on when you feel like the odds are against you. But when you are climbing a new mountain or blazing a new trail, you have no option but to overcome those obstacles. Mindlessly putting one foot in front of the other won’t get you to the tipping point; you must also consistently remind yourself that what you are doing matters. Your mission is significant; your vision is important. You are working hard because your passions and goals are worth pursuing. These thoughts push us forward; they remind us that who we are and what we do matters. The tipping point is an incredible moment, but you will only get there if you are positive, persistent, and committed. I truly believe that you are just on the edge of that domino falling and setting off the chain reaction you have been waiting for. Keep pushing forward, friends.   


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