Ministry is one of those things that was meant to be done in community. A team will outperform an individual every time. Working on a team increases productivity, improves results, and makes the whole experience more fun. But it’s important to remember that being on a team requires trust. As leaders, we carry the weight of responsibility directly on our shoulders. To trust our teammates to come along side us to carry that burden is to delegate without fear. Loosening our grip and delegating tasks will take our ministries and churches to the next level, but that is often easier said than done. When we delegate, we should do so with intention. Delegation is not a way to shirk responsibilities or to pass along onerous tasks; instead, it’s a method by which we can empower our team and foster growth. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you seek to delegate well.

  1. Create systems together. As a leader, you cast vision and determine direction. But that doesn’t mean that you have to make unilateral decisions. Inviting your team to join you in the process of developing systems will give them a sense of ownership and make it easier for them to carry out those systems as you focus on other things. They will be passionate and committed to the things they helped create, allowing you to shift your focus with confidence.
  1. Mindsets are contagious. When you delegate, you are doing more than assigning tasks. When you entrust your team to carry out certain responsibilities, you are communicating what you think is important and what your ministry values. What your team spends time on is indicative of what is significant to you. Be sure that you cultivate the right mindset in your team with the tasks you delegate to them.
  1. Who is more important than what. As you commission your team to fulfill responsibilities, remember their gifts and talents. When you choose the person who is best suited to carry out a certain task, you reinforce those talents and celebrate the diversity of your team. Who they are is far more important than what they can do; make sure you know your team before you delegate any tasks.
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  1. The best way to ensure the results you want is to communicate clearly. When your expectations are understood from the beginning, the odds of things getting lost along the way become very slim. No matter how long your team as has been working with you, they will never be able to read your mind. Set them up for success by communicating expectations with clarity.
  1. Be flexible. Delegating will often feel like taking a huge risk, but it is a risk worth taking! Go into it with an understanding that things will not always turn out exactly the way you would have done them, but that’s okay. Remember that the small details will vary, but the accomplishment of the overall vision is what matters most. Flexibility is key!
Delegation will not be easy at first, but it will always be worth the effort. Invest in your team, empower them to perform with excellence, and then let them carry the responsibility with you. Your ministry will be stronger, your team will work better, and you will grow as a leader. For more tips and tricks to make delegating a little bit easier, check out this article!


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