You were born for greatness. Whether you realize it or not, you are capable of a lot more than you think. There’s something you carry that the world needs and only you can offer it. Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the passion burning inside of you to make an impact on the world, unsure of where to even begin? Sometimes not knowing where to begin can keep us from taking any steps at all. But the reality is, whether it’s a big step or a small step, a step is a step. And the time to start changing the world is right now. We usually want the big opportunities and are waiting for open doors, but sometimes the open door is waiting for you to walk through it. 

Here are 3 things we can start doing right now to change the world:


1. Go First

Before we lead others, we first have to lead ourselves. And before changing the whole world, we first need to change our world. How can we bring our best selves to our families, friends, organizations? It starts in our own backyard first. People follow by example, and as leaders, we always have people watching our lives. They’re waiting for us to say yes, they’re waiting for us to take the risk, and when we do… they will follow. 


2. Do the Hard Thing

If we’re going to make a difference in the world, it’s going to come at a high cost. If it were easy, there would be a lot more people pursuing their dreams and pioneering. What are you burning for? What excites you the most? Are you willing to pay the cost to pursue it? It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it. 


3. Never Give Up

Whatever you do, never give up. Remember, you were born for greatness. You will have many moments where you will be tempted to throw in the towel and give up completely, but those who press past the discomfort are the ones who see history changed. The more we lean into the discomfort, the further we will go. The possibilities are limitless for what you can do in this world. You don’t have to settle for a mediocre life, when you have the creator of the universe living inside of you. You have all that you need to see every dream and desire come to fruition in your lifetime.


We believe in you and we hope this encourages you to live a life that will leave a legacy in this world.





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