Leaders spend a great deal of time talking about vision. We understand the importance of having a clear direction; we set aside time to focus solely on the development of our vision. Every strategy and program that we implement is designed to help our vision come to life. We also understand that for a vision to come to pass, the people around us have to buy in. A vision without buy in is just an idea. When your people buy into the vision of your church or organization, they are willing to go to the mat to see it come to pass. They give of their time, their energy, and their resources. People are generous when they believe in what they are giving to. [bctt tweet="A vision without buy in is just an idea." username="dukematlock"] This is nothing new to people in leadership. We understand the financial pressures and realities of leading ministries. But in the moments when our giving is down and our backs are against the wall, we need to understand something: a lack of generosity in our church communities is not a financial issue; it’s a heart issue. When people are bought in, they give from their hearts. When they truly understand what it means to be generous, something shifts in their lives. There are roadblocks we face when cultivating a spirit of generosity in our ministries, but these can be overcome when we face them with intention. The first roadblock so many of us encounter on the journey to generosity is casting a healthy, inspiring, and meaningful vision. [bctt tweet="A lack of generosity in our church communities is not a financial issue; it’s a heart issue." username="dukematlock"] What is your vision for your ministry? When people give, are they just helping keep the lights on or are they giving to a cause? The way you talk about what your church is doing and where you are going as a community will have a direct impact on the level of generosity in your congregation. They have to buy in before they can invest; vision casting well will help them to do just that. [bctt tweet="Your people have to buy in before they can invest; vision casting well will help them to do just that." username="dukematlock"] An article I read recently said that your vision should be clear, concise, concrete, and compelling. I couldn’t agree more. Let’s unpack these 4 C’s before we move on.

1. Clear.

There should be no confusion about the vision of the church. I would encourage you to put in writing before you share it with others. Writing it out will ensure that you fully understand it yourself, which will help you to communicate it well. Your goals and direction should be clear; people can’t buy into something they don’t understand. Be clear.

2. Concise.

I urge you to simplify your message. This doesn’t mean that you need to dumb it down or leave anything out; on the contrary, simplifying is about having the most impact with the least amount of effort. Your vision statement should be just that: a statement. Shoot for a few sentences. Remember, your vision should be able to be understandable and memorable. Your congregation should be able to remember and repeat it!

3. Concrete.

Upon hearing your vision, people should be able to automatically understand the tangible, real world results you’re looking to achieve. The more concrete your message, the more people will be able to find their role in it.

4. Compelling.

Strong vision casting moves the listener to action. Your vision should inspire your people! You’re doing more than passing along information; you’re inviting people to join you on a God-given journey. Hearts should be racing and commitments to the cause should be made upon hearing the message. [bctt tweet="Strong vision casting moves the listener to action." username="dukematlock"] Let me encourage you, creating something that people are willing to give their lives to is difficult. But the good news is that the vision of your ministry is founded on the vision of God. Spend some time discovering and curating your vision. Once you’ve done that, communicate it well. Generosity is a natural byproduct of buy in. Give your people something to believe in.    ]]>

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