There are so many leadership principles and information out there on how to become a better leader. But if we gain all of the skills and fail to listen, we will not go very far. Listening is almost a lost art. We’re living in a generation that loves to share their opinions about everything, yet fails to take the time to listen to others who disagree with them. Which never results in unity. This blog will be a part of a series because that’s how important we feel it is that we have a conversation about how to listen well. The first part of listening we want to dive into is humility.

This is really what it all boils down to. Pride must be torn down for us to listen. And I want to be clear, listening does not equal agreeing. Listening equals engaging. We are learning to listen not to necessarily have to agree but to walk away with a better perspective and understanding of the feelings of another individual.

There will never be a team of people who all think the same way. That’s not the heart of God. He loves unity because it teaches us to love better and humble ourselves.


Humility in listening looks like a few things.


1. Seeking first to understand, before you’re understood

2. Listening with an open hearth without having walls up

3. Listening with a body posture that leans in an keeping eye contact

4. Not interrupting conversations

5. Asking questions at the end of the conversation to better understand

6. Repeat what they said

7. Respond in grace to what they said


Regardless of what someone throws our way, even if it is thrown in a negative light. We must look past the approach. We must recognize that the pain is valid, and although we may not agree with how people approach us, we can still seek first to understand, listen, and walk-in humility.

This will not only make the people we are leading and engaging with feel safe and heard, but it will also bring a release to us. No one truly wants to disagree and have unity on their team. That’s something we can all agree on. But fighting to protect unity is not an easy road. It takes hard work, it takes killing our pride, and it takes consistency.


“Let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.


Click here to read part 2!



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