Years ago I was having a coaching conversation with someone who worked for a well-known food chain and they explained how this company had identified their leadership groups into thirds. Based on A players, B players, and C players. They would have their A players coach their c players up and had a mentorship program in place. Brilliant, right? It’s similar to Craig Groeschel’s model where you have your top 10% then your bottom 10% then the middle 80%. Everyone on your team is not an A or C player, but as an organization, you want to find ways to build people up to be an A player on your team. Of course, we welcome every player on the team and we all have different personalities, backgrounds, and experiences. But as a leader, we are the one in charge of making sure we set the culture for our organizations. It’s up to us to create systems and leadership development to grow our teams as healthy as possible to sustain the growth we want to bring in.
When it comes to building a team, what are you looking for? And if you were to ask yourself what kind of person you are on a team, what do you think you’d be? An A player, or a B player? We’re going to dive in to a series on 6 common denominators of all A players. Here they are:
An A player:
  1. Is comfortable keeping score.
  2. Has an emotional need to succeed.
  3. Loves to be held accountable.
  4. Competent at their job.
  5. Willing to ask for coaching.
  6. They see opportunities.


Get ready to lean in, because these 6 common denominators are what you should be looking for when building any type of team. We all know that an organization is only as healthy as the leadership within it. It’s not just about talent and skill when thinking of adding a new team member to fulfill a role. Many other factors play a part. An A player does more than fulfill a role and get the job done. They are all in. They are invested in the mission. They are eager to grow, they want to be held accountable and held to a high standard, they want to do better, they want to work with excellence, they’re open to learning, and they see problems as opportunities. They are always up for a challenge. 
You can teach a skill. But you can’t always teach these components. The people have to be willing. Stay tuned as we dive into this series beginning next Friday! Forward this email to all the pastors and leaders you know. You won’t want to miss it!

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