The most important part of my day is the morning. I follow the morning routine laid out in my book, Get Up and Grow: 21 Habits of Successful People. The process provides me with a holistic growth plan; it really has made all the difference in my personal and professional growth. When we first developed the Get Up and Grow process, however, we realized that many people may be intimidated by the number of habits. Twenty-one habits can seem like a lot to get done in the morning before you go to work. It was out of this conversation that our Get Up and Grow Journal was developed. The journal can help you streamline the process greatly, but there are a few other ways to achieve this as well. Developing ways to streamline the process will make it that much easier to get everything accomplished.   Before we get into the details, let’s talk about the habits themselves. To understand the importance of implementing these habits, we must first understand that the things we commit to and invest in will determine our paradigm. Your paradigm is the pattern of your life. The things we do, every single day, shape our present reality. Things such as how we begin our mornings, whether we have a consistent schedule to keep, and our commitment to the pursuit of our goals determine our paradigm. Patterns decide outcomes and deliver security. By investing in yourself and implementing a solid morning routine, you set yourself up for success. [bctt tweet="The things we commit to and invest in will determine our paradigm." username="dukematlock"] Habits are incredibly important, but they don’t have to be all-consuming. There are so many ways to streamline the process and make the most of your morning. Here are three ideas to get you started.  

  1. Multitask.

    Don’t be afraid to combine habits. For example, try downloading the audio version of the success book you are currently reading and listen to it while you take your walk. You will glean wisdom from your reading while knocking out your physical activity for the day. Remember, these habits should be helping you achieve growth in your life. If your routine is adding stress to your day, it may be time to readjust.
  1. Get creative.

    My youngest daughter is an avid follower of the Get Up and Grow process, and she’s found ways to implement her habits in creative ways. For instance, three of her spiritual habits have been addressed by one tool. She is currently going through Lysa TerKeurst’s Finding I Am bible study. This acts as a spiritual mentor, a bible reading plan, and a journal. Finding one tool like a bible study or an online course will also keep your growth and learning cohesive.
  1. Use the Get Up and Grow Journal.

    I cannot tell you how much the journal will streamline your morning. You will be able to track your progress, stay organized, and save time. The journal was designed with this process in mind and tested by people who were already using the routine. It is an incredible tool.
  Your mornings have as much potential as you give them. Your routine should eliminate stress, not add to it; don’t be afraid to make changes and adjustments until you find your rhythm. [bctt tweet="Your mornings have as much potential as you give them." username="dukematlock"]    


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