I am passionate about the mornings. When I started coaching my clients through my Get Up and Grow morning routine, I was met with some resistance. Everyone was eager to work through the habits, but very few people were excited to wake up early in the morning to do so. But I encouraged them, just as I am encouraging you, that the morning is the most important part of the day. Study after study is being released that emphasizes this fact. The most successful people, from Barack Obama to Richard Branson, get up early in the morning and tackle their days. This isn’t a coincidence; the discipline required to wake up early translates into your personal and professional lives. Incorporating this daily discipline into your routine will revolutionize your life.  There are many reasons why the morning is so important. If you’d like a more in-depth explanation, I devoted a chapter in my book, Get Up and Grow, to just that. However, I’d like to spend today giving you a few practical tips for making this a reality in your life. I believe in the morning; I believe that you will be a better, stronger, and smarter person if you get up early in the morning and invest in your personal growth. Here are a few ways to get you moving. 

1. Sleep. 

This may seem counterproductive to waking up early, but it’s necessary. If you want to get up early, you need to go to bed early. Make sure you get 7-8 hours of sleep every night. This is more than just a suggestion; sleep is imperative for your health. A well-rested mind is ready to tackle the day. 

[bctt tweet="A well-rested mind is ready to tackle the day. " username="dukematlock"]

2. Prepare. 

It won’t do you any good to wake up early if you don’t have a plan for that time. Budget that time just as you budget the rest of your day. This should be a strategic time of growth. Deciding ahead of time what you are going to accomplish in your early hours will enable you to make the most of that time. 

3. Commit. 

When the alarm goes off, don’t press snooze! Get out of bed. Good intentions will not help you grow; only action can do that. Commit yourself wholeheartedly to this practice. 

[bctt tweet="Good intentions will not help you grow; only action can do that." username="dukematlock"]

4. Exercise. 

In my own morning routine, I go for a walk. You will have more energy throughout the day if you spend some time exercising in the morning. Remember, personal growth is about more than just investing in your mind or in your success; you must invest in taking care of your body as well. 

5. Eat. 

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Wake up your body with a healthy meal and give yourself the energy to face the day. When you’re hungry, all you can think about is food. Eating breakfast helps you to wake up and gives you the freedom to focus on what you are looking to accomplish.

There are so many things that will help you to make the most of your morning, but here are five to help you get started. I personally practice each of these and I can tell you from personal experience just how effective they are. Your morning sets the tone for the rest of your day; be sure to set yourself up for success.  For more tips on making the most of your morning, check out this article  


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