Breakthrough. What does it mean to fully walk in breakthrough? Whether we’ve been feeling crushed, overwhelmed, overworked, or just plain exhausted. How do we get past where we are and move towards breakthrough? Could it be that while we are waiting for our circumstances to change, God is waiting for us to make the first move? Could he be waiting for us to simply keep showing up?

When we feel we can’t take another step but we choose to walk anyways, we will begin to experience breakthroughs. 

Sometimes breakthrough is found not in a moment, but small choices every day that lead to lasting change. 

Sometimes breakthrough is found not in a moment, but small choices every day that lead to lasting change. Click To Tweet


“We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair.” | 2 Corinthians 4:8


There are 3 things needed to keep showing up:


1. Discipline

Discipline kicks in when our feelings have faded off.


2. Determination 

Determination stays focused on the end result. It doesn’t stop when things get hard.


3. Dedication 

Dedication is what keeps you on track and consistent. It shows up every day and knows the power of small steps.


What do you need to show up for in your life right now?

Don’t wait until your circumstances change.

Don’t wait until it’s easy.

Don’t wait until the “right time”

The breakthrough you’re waiting on is waiting for you.

It’s waiting for you to show up.


In James 1:2-4 it reads:

“Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.”

“Consider it an opportunity for great joy.”


This means that when you’re feeling pressured, you can experience joy. Do you know that feeling you get after a really good work out? When you work out, you tear down muscles, but there’s satisfaction in the middle of that pain because you know that results will come. Those torn muscles will build new and stronger ones. You rarely “feel” like showing up, but by the end of it, you never regret it. The same is true for a lot of other things in our lives. We may not ever “feel” like showing up, but the pain and resistance only mean growth is on the other side.





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