Social media when used correctly can be the marketing tool that grows your platform faster than you think! The best part is you don’t have to be an expert to use it. We’re going to break down four steps you can start implementing today to get you and your team using social media to expand your reach!


1. Vision

This is the most important step. Have you ever gone to the grocery store without a list? It didn’t work out too well, did it? Neither will launching social media without vision. You must know who you are as a brand or else you will quickly start to grab onto everything you see and your brand will be a mash-up of the people you follow. Here are some questions to ask yourself and your team before launching social media:

  • Who are we?
  • How can we represent that on social media?
  • Where do we want social media to take our brand?


2. Branding

Now that you have your vision, it’s time to create the branding. If you already have a logo and color scheme for your brand, you have a head start! A great way to create your brand is to make a Pinterest board with the colors, fonts, and ideas of the posts you want your feed to look like. Do you like bright colors? Then you can find a pallet with those colors and stay within the colors for all of your campaigns and graphics! Everything you post should represent who you are as a brand.


3. Content

Knowing your vision and who you are reaching will help give insight into what content to create. A great way to get ahead and create content is to keep a folder on an online writing tool (we recommend where you can create posts for the upcoming week or month. Keep a calendar with upcoming events and create information posts as well as content that will connect with your audience!


4. Strategy

We can have a clear vision, great graphics and the best content around, but if it doesn’t get posted we’re not reaching people. Using a scheduling system like will do the work for you! Once you have your graphics created and content written out you can add it straight into hoot suite and pick the days of the week and times of the day you want those posts to go out. When these four steps are applied, your social media will thrive and so will your business!


Now go start creating!







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