Monday’s. Some dislike them, and some despise them, and few dare to admit they love them. Why? Monday’s usually mean death to the weekend. An end to the fun and relaxation and back to schedules, meetings, and full schedules. Perhaps we need a perspective shift. By the end of this article, I’m convinced you will have a change of mind about Monday’s. And you might even start to look forward to them. Let’s talk about how to achieve weekly success.

The reason for the dread: Usually, we dread things when we don’t have anything to look forward to. Sometimes Mondays can be chaotic which can lead to a chaotic week. All of this may be due to a lack of planning. When we take the time to prepare and set out weekly goals and plan in detail for the week ahead, it saves a lot of stress and in the long run, a lot of wasted time. 

How to cast vision for your week: Schedule a weekly vision planning meeting. This can be done over the weekend, or on Sunday before your week begins. Schedule this time in and make it a top priority. Make it fun! Go to your favorite coffee shop, or make a good cup of coffee at home, grab your laptop or whatever you like to use for planning, and start working on each of these areas below. 


A few key questions to ask before your week begins:

  • What are my top 3 priorities this week?
  • What are the realistic goals I can achieve?
  • What am I believing to see happen before the end of this week?



How to plan for your weekly success:


  1. Work schedule + meetings 

Adding in and organizing your work and meetings before the week begins will get you ahead of the game and give you a sense of clarity moving into the new week. 

  1. Passion projects / other projects you have going on

Sometimes if we don’t plan time for our passion projects, it will never happen. 

  1. Relationships

Schedule in time for family and investing in those you love.

  1. Exercise

Schedule in your daily exercise, and set weekly exercise goals.

  1. Fun 

Always make sure you make time to put away the work and have fun.

  1. Rest 

Lastly, scheduling time and prioritizing rest is one of the most important things you can do to achieve weekly success. We all need a reset and we all need a break now and then.



Challenge of the week:

Set aside 30 minutes – 1 hour this week to cast vision for the week ahead and watch how it changes the game!




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