As we close out this series, I hope you walk away feeling empowered to take action. There is always more growth to do as a leader, but there’s also an abundance of grace. No matter what you are facing and what struggles feel like you will never overcome, there is hope. As leaders, pastors, fathers and mothers, we often carry a lot of pressure to show up and be “on” all the time, It’s okay to be human. It’s okay to admit there are areas we need to grow in. The worst thing we can do is pretend the enemies don’t exist. When we let our guards down is when we are most prone to fall. We’re hearing about leaders it seems like weekly who are being taken out by the enemy, and if we want to stand strong in the days we are living in, it’s going to take some effort to pursue a life of accountability and growth. It’s the little foxes that seem innocent that we have to watch out for. Catch them while they’re small.

These 5 enemies: Ego, complacency, distractions, past success. and laziness is only a few. I encourage you to take time for self-reflection. What are the areas God is highlighting in your life? In what ways is He calling you higher?
It’s not about being rigid + legalistic, but it is about becoming more like Jesus. It’s about becoming a leader worth following. A leader who walks in humility, character, and integrity.
Who do you want to become? And what is your plan to get there? How are you actively breaking away from the enemies that would stand in the doorway of your destiny?
Today is a good day for a fresh start. There is always more. Your best days are ahead, and this is only the beginning.

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