“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” | Isaiah 43:19

To grab hold of the new thing, it usually means letting go of the old thing. Old thought patterns and old strategies can’t come with us to the new level. We recently walked through a time in life we never could’ve imagined going through. In a way, it shut down all of our “old ways” of doing things. Although this verse may be used quite often and the term may be churchy, every single one of us in different levels have just walked through a wilderness.

It’s our perspective in the wilderness that brings forth the rivers amid the desert. What does this mean for our churches? For our businesses? For our personal lives?

It's our perspective in the wilderness that brings forth the rivers amid the desert Click To Tweet


It means that even when the future is unclear and everything seems dry, we can expect growth. We can expect new strategies. We can expect abundance. 


To grab hold of the new thing, there are first steps we need to take:


  1. Let go of the old.

As stated above, if we want to take our churches and businesses to the next level, we have to let go of old ways of thinking. 


  1. Embrace change. 

Sometimes we get comfortable with how things were. Ever heard the saying “same ole same ole?” We’re often used to doing the same ole thing, and rely on patterns that brought success before. But just because it brought success, results, and fruit then, doesn’t mean it will now. There is a shift happening, and we have to be willing to embrace change. 


  1. Prepare to be uncomfortable.

Change is never comfortable, and usually when God is doing a new thing, it doesn’t always look within our eyes like a good thing at first. Usually it takes a major risk to go after it. When we don’t know the details, when we have never seen it done before, it can bring about a lot of discomfort. We have to be willing to be uncomfortable if we want to see a “new thing” in our lives come into existence. 


Challenge for the week: Read through these 3 steps this week and ask yourself which areas are holding you back from stepping into the new thing. Then get out a pen and paper or in your notes start to write out a fresh vision for what’s to come. Brainstorm new ideas, get creative, and dare to imagine blueprints yet to be discovered that could be within you. 




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