Invest in yourself. Invest in success.
3 Reasons to start the new year with fasting
Over the past 12 months, I'm sure we can all say we've accumulated some unwanted things in our lives. Both physically, mentally, and spiritually. It would be a complete understatement to say the past couple of years has been hard. Right? Then before we know it, New...

Life Fulfillment Series: Design
I was recently talking to someone who had a career change. When I asked them who they wanted to be, and what they wanted to do, it seemed to align pretty closely with the career they were in. I asked "if you made a career change, would you get to do the things you're...

Life Fulfillment Series: Passion
What do you love to do? What sets your soul on fire? What keeps you up at night? What brings you energy and life? Chances are, the answer is connected to your passion. I've always called to the ministry. And have lived my whole life with a sense that I am in my...

Life Fulfillment Series: Presence
When it's all said and done and you've breathed your last breath, what do you hope they will say about you? What will the words be written that are on your obituary? When I am coaching people through this series, I have them write out their obituary. Might sound a...

Life Fulfillment Series
As we close out this year and begin to prepare for 2022, I want to kick off a brand new series on what I like to call "3 Elements to living a fulfilled life." Life Fulfillment is all about knowing who you are, what you're passionate about, and what God has designed...

Preparation Starts Now
Can you believe we are already at the end of 2021? 2020 was a year that we will never forget, even though it would be nice to remove it from our memories. At the end of 2020, everyone was just so ready to get to 2021. But what happened when we stepped into 2021? Did...

The A Player Series: They See Opportunities
Where some may see problems, A players see opportunities. What do you see when you look at the calendar in front of you? Do you see mountains to climb? Does it excite you or intimidate you? What is your reaction when something goes wrong in the office? Or when a...

The A Player Series: Growth Mindset
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm." - Winston Churchill An A player doesn't look to failure as a reason to give up. They see it as an opportunity to keep growing, learning, and trying again. They don't tap out after...