In the midst of busy schedules and never ending to-do lists, you’d be surprised how much more you could get done by pushing your alarm back and having a morning routine. The lie that we sometimes buy into is that we’re too busy to have a morning routine, or that we don’t have enough time in our day to accomplish everything we need to accomplish. By becoming a morning person, it will allow you more time to accomplish your goals before the day even really begins.


Waking up earlier will not only increase your productivity, but it will also give you more energy throughout your day.

If you want to accomplish your goals and maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle, it takes hard work. We all have dreams and passions but often times because goals and practices aren’t put into place, those dreams never come to fruition.

Whatever your desires are, I want to encourage you today to make time for them. If that means waking up an hour earlier every day to put in the work, do it. Or if you decide mornings aren’t when you do your best work, stay up later until you’ve put in the work. Do whatever works for you!


Here are 3 steps to becoming a morning person:


1. Set out everything the night before

Early mornings start the night before. A nightly routine is equally as important as your morning one. Some practical things that may be a part of your routine could be clearing off your desk, completing any unfinished tasks, picking out your clothes, and planning out your breakfast. You’ll be surprised how much better your mornings will go once you’ve prepared the night before.


2. Create a schedule for your morning routine

Without a plan, you won’t have the motivation to get up. Think of a few things you’d like to accomplish in your morning routine based on your current goals and then review it each morning. Before long your morning routine will become a habit that comes naturally.


3. Go to bed early

If you’re going to wake up early, that means you have to push back the time you’d normally go to sleep. Getting enough sleep is so important for a healthy and productive lifestyle. In order to wake up with energy to last you throughout the day, getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep is key!


There are so many other things to add, but these are a few key things that will help get you started!


Our challenge for you is to put this into practice for 21 days. See you feel, see how productive you become! Then share with us your results!





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