Over the past 12 months, I’m sure we can all say we’ve accumulated some unwanted things in our lives. Both physically, mentally, and spiritually. It would be a complete understatement to say the past couple of years has been hard. Right? Then before we know it, New Year’s comes around. We’ve just wrapped up all of the holidays, travels, family gatherings, and for most people, they’re out of their normal routine. It’s hard to have clarity in moving forward into a new year when we’re still carrying the baggage from the previous. This is why I like to start the new year off with a spiritual fast. Regardless of what you choose to fast from, and why you choose to fast, there are numerous benefits! I’ve never once regretted fasting. When you fast, you can expect God to show up and speak to you. Fasting not only detoxes your body naturally, but you will spiritually draw closer to God. You see, He is always speaking. The issue is usually that we have too many distractions that we don’t hear him. He whispers because He is close.

So how do you choose what to fast? Well, that is up to you. Biblically, a fast consists of only water. You could do this for a 1-3 day fast. There’s also a fast we get from Daniel 10 in the Bible called “The Daniel Fast” which consists of only fruits and vegetables! You can read more about the Daniel fast here:
Or, you could fast social media and entertainment. When choosing what to fast, ask God. But keep in mind, it should cost you something. Fasting is sacrificing our comfort, to seek God. It’s not only about what you take away, but what you replace it with. During your fast, spend time seeking God. Pray, read the Word, and expect a breakthrough.
What better way to enter into the new year by practicing self-denial, and focusing your energy on the goals you’ve set vs allowing distractions to slow you down? We eat food to feed the flesh. This isn’t a bad thing, but often we can take good things and allow them to become idols. Food, our work, entertainment, social media, and we wonder why we’re burnt out and exhausted by the end of the year.

So if you aren’t convinced yet to fast, here are my 3 reasons why I want to encourage you to begin your year with fasting:

  1. Detox the body and spirit
  2. Draw closer to God and hear His voice. If you have been needing a breakthrough or clarity in your next steps, this is the time to fast.
  3. Self-control. Fasting will break bad habits and through the Holy – Spirit, He will give you self-control to say no to the flesh and feed the spirit.
If you would like more content on fasting, check out a previous blog post I wrote here:
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