Hello, friends! Today is a very exciting day at the Invest Leadership office. Our staff has been buzzing for weeks in anticipation of today’s announcement and we are so excited today has finally arrived. Invest Leadership Initiative was founded to help people grow by investing in themselves and investing in success. Although personal and professional growth are by no means limited to the church or those who find themselves in vocational ministry, we can’t deny that church ministry has a special place in our hearts. Many of our clients are pastors and church leaders; our workshops and materials work very well in the private sector and non-profit organizations. We love the local church and we love the pastors who lead those communities. It is our desire to see pastors and church leaders grow by investing in themselves and in success. Let’s be honest: no one can hope to achieve anything of significance if they do not have a team of people working alongside them. No matter how powerful your message, no one will be around to hear it if they cannot trust your leadership or buy into your vision. Although Christian ministry is spiritual by nature, there is no denying the importance of strong, healthy leadership. According to a study conducted by the Barna Group, “good supervisors create settings that have less turnover, a better work environment and more inspired workers.” This means that it is the leader, not the job or the assignment, that sets the tone. We find this to be true regardless of the field in which you work, but especially so in ministry. After all, church leadership is all about people. If you want to fulfill the call of God on your life, you must first learn how to lead, inspire, and motivate people. The message of the gospel is powerful in and of itself, but poor leadership can hinder its progress. [bctt tweet="The message of the gospel is powerful in and of itself, but poor leadership can hinder its progress." username="dukematlock"] It is out of this passion for ministry that we have chosen to launch a brand new weekly post: Ministry Monday. Each week, we will tackle a different issue or topic facing church leaders. This is not only for pastors, however. It is our desire that this weekly conversation become a resource for your volunteers, your lay leaders, and even your full time staff. We believe that if you want your church to grow, your people have to grow. Our hope is for Ministry Monday to become another growth tool to be utilized as a leadership community. The goal of Ministry Monday is not to change your message or alter your mission in ministry; the goal is to help you lead well. No matter what you are doing, whether you be preaching, recruiting, or simply loving the people in your community, you must commit yourself to showing up well. Investing in growth is the only way to do just that. Join us every Monday as we explore the challenges and joys of working in ministry. Use these weekly posts with your team and your lay leaders as well; let this become a community growth tool that will enable you to take your ministry to the next level. We’ll see you next week.  


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