I walk all of my coaching clients through the process of building a solid morning routine. One of the things that I really push with my clients through the development of this system is rest. Quite often, people don’t understand what rest has to do with a morning routine, but they are inextricably related. Rest is not something that just happens; it has to be intentionally guarded and pursued. When you live a full and busy life, getting enough rest can very quickly fall to the bottom of your priority list. But rest is too important to fall to the wayside. It’s vital for us to understand that when we talk about rest, we are speaking about more than just sleep. Rest protects us from burn out, cultivates creativity, and nourishes our relationships. [bctt tweet="Rest protects us from burn out, cultivates creativity, and nourishes our relationships." username="dukematlock"] Rest manifests itself in three different ways: sleep, Sabbath, and fun. To be truly well rested, each of these three components must be present.  

  1. Sleep

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), adults need somewhere between seven and eight hours of sleep per night. This isn’t new information… Most of us are aware that eight hours of sleep per night is ideal. Any more or less can lead to sluggishness and reduced productivity. Even though eight hours is ideal, 30% of adults report an average of six hours of sleep per night. A lack of sleep can lead to a wide variety of issues, including diabetes, depression, obesity, even increased mortality, and a reduced quality of life and productivity. Sleep is huge; when you are well rested, you perform better, your mood improves, and you are able to tackle the items on your agenda. If you struggle when it comes to getting enough sleep, I would encourage you to choose an end time for your day. Just as you end your work day, choose a time to turn off the television, put down your phone, and get into bed.  
  1. Sabbath

In case you’re unfamiliar with the term, a Sabbath day is a day of rest. The Sabbath is a Biblical concept that comes from God’s creation of the world. Genesis 2:2-3 says, “By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.” The Sabbath became a mandate for the Jews. Honoring the Sabbath day and keeping it holy is even one of the Ten Commandments, meaning rest is just as important as being honest, abstaining from committing adultery, and not killing anyone! A day of rest is impossible if your to-do list is never ending. This is where the planning and preparation come into play. Choose your Sabbath, and then plan your week around that day.  
  1. Fun

The final component of being truly rested is fun. Just like sleep and your Sabbath, fun has to be planned and prepared for! Fun may look different for each person, but the details are not important. Fun may mean taking your kids to a park, going on vacation, or taking a day trip with friends. The important thing is to do something outside of your typical routine that you enjoy. When you plan for fun, you break up the monotony of life. You have something to look forward to, something to reward yourself with for all of your hard work. Doing something fun is absolutely necessary in your growth journey. Sometimes all you really need is to take a break and do something you enjoy. Having fun can adjust your perspective and remind you just how good life really is. Nothing fosters growth quite like a fresh perspective. [bctt tweet="Nothing fosters growth quite like a fresh perspective." username="dukematlock"] Your health, your relationships, and your success all depend on your rest. It can seem counterproductive to take a break, especially when you feel like you’re building momentum. But no matter how much progress you are making, those victories will be short lived if you are not resting. [jotform id=51954776646168]]]>

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